COMSOL Comes to China, Successful Launch Events for 4.4

June 2, 2014

Two weeks ago, I had the privilege of visiting our two new offices in China in conjunction with all-day launch events for COMSOL Multiphysics version 4.4. Both events were greatly successful; Shanghai attracted a hundred or so attendees, while Beijing received almost one hundred and fifty.

Two New COMSOL Offices in Shanghai and Beijing

Since January of this year, we are bringing COMSOL technical support and sales staff to the Chinese market. With our two new offices in Shanghai and Beijing, China’s science and technology community is able to partake in hands-on training, customer events, and users conferences.

About the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Launch Events

The two launch events provided COMSOL Multiphysics users in China with a first introduction to the powerful tools now available in COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4. At the same time, this was a great opportunity for users to meet the local COMSOL staff and management for the first time.

Presentations by COMSOL Staff

The two all-day events featured informative content with presentations in the morning and application-specific minicourses in the afternoon. Lei Chen, the General Manager of COMSOL Co., Ltd., held the first presentation. She introduced the COMSOL operations in China. The second presentation was given by yours truly. I’m VP of Product Management here at COMSOL, Inc., and I spoke about the many new features in version 4.4.

After a 20-minute coffee break, Martin Wang, Technical Director of COMSOL Co., Ltd., presented the technical support teams in Shanghai and Beijing. He also explained how to access our online resources, such asCOMSOL Access, theSupport Center, and theModel Gallery. The morning session concluded with a sneak preview of the upcoming COMSOL Multiphysics release.

Minicourses Held in Chinese

The afternoon was dedicated to minicourses with parallel sessions covering CFD, heat transfer, electromagnetics, structural mechanics, acoustics, and electrochemistry. All of these classes were presented in Chinese and featured COMSOL application engineers who showcased the new version of COMSOL Multiphysics. Attendees were treated to in-depth live demonstrations on specific topics and they had the opportunity to ask questions during the Q&A session.

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I would like to thank all of you who came out and joined us in Shanghai and Beijing for the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Launch Event!

If you were unable to make it, make sure to check theworkshop schedule, where you can find information about free COMSOL workshops near you. Don’t forget to plan for attending theCOMSOL Conference 2014 in Shanghaion October 29th.

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