Top 4 Reasons to Attend the COMSOL Conference

March 8, 2018

Each year, the COMSOL Conference brings the simulation community together to advance modeling skills and discuss innovations in science and engineering. Attendees come to the conference from a wide range of technical backgrounds and industries, and the event offers something for everyone. Keep reading for four reasons why you should attend the COMSOL Conference this year.

1. Advance Your Simulation Skills

The COMSOL Conference offers a full schedule of minicourses in different application areas. You can pick your own selection of minicourses so that your conference experience aligns with your specific interests. There are multiple courses for each discipline, including core functionality, electromagnetics, structural mechanics, acoustics, CFD, heat transfer, chemical reaction engineering, and more. The conference also includes sessions that focus on fundamental modeling techniques, such as meshing and solvers.

A photo of COMSOL Conference 2014 attendees learning from a presentation.
The COMSOL Conference typically offers around 40 minicourses in specialized topics and many opportunities for lecture-style and hands-on learning.

Demo stations are set up for you to go through a model with COMSOL technical staff and developers. This is a good time to discuss any specific modeling questions or issues you might be experiencing and refine your multiphysics modeling techniques.

A photo from a hands-on session at the COMSOL Conference.

“This conference is absolutely essential for anyone using or planning to use COMSOL Multiphysics®. It is very rare to see people from so many fields meet to discuss a common aspect of their research. The minicourses and hands-on sessions gave me the option to learn from the experiences of other users.”

– Atul Dhall, SUNY Polytechnic University

2. Share and Discuss Your Simulation Work

Not only does the COMSOL Conference bring hundreds of simulation engineers together to learn, it is also a chance for attendees to share their simulation work. By presenting a simulation project through an oral or poster presentation, COMSOL Multiphysics® software users can discuss their accomplishments with attendees in their field of research and beyond.

Presenting your work opens up the opportunity to win an award at the end of the conference events. After the conference, presentations are published with open access on the COMSOL website, which can bring great exposure to your work beyond the conference.

A photo of the poster session at the COMSOL Conference.
Attendees can share their simulation work via a poster or oral presentation (or both).

Whether or not you present at the conference, you also have the chance to tap into the knowledge of fellow simulation experts as they share their insights and research findings. One of the highlights of the conference is the poster session, which provides an informal and inviting setting for exploring the array of simulation research presented by other conference attendees.

3. Discover the Latest in Simulation and Engineering Trends

At the COMSOL Conference, you will hear about new developments in the software from COMSOL staff. Attendees can start using these new features while at the conference to get a look at what’s ahead for the COMSOL® software.

A highlight of the conference is the keynote presentations. These talks are given by industry leaders who showcase new advancements in their various fields and give practical examples of how they apply multiphysics simulation in their field.

“I found the COMSOL Conference to be an efficient way to see how a variety of finite element modeling techniques are used to solve real-world problems. It was great to be able to speak to experts in the field and at COMSOL and learn things I took back to the lab.”

– Kris Carlson, BIDMC/Harvard Medical School

4. Meet with Fellow Engineers and Developers

The COMSOL Conference is a great place to interact with other engineers and COMSOL staff. Join conversations during industry-specific panel discussions or chat during the social events, such as meals, group outings, and the poster session.

A photo of COMSOL Conference attendees discussing multiphysics simulation.
There are plenty of opportunities to connect with colleagues and fellow engineers throughout the COMSOL Conference.

Next Step

Find more details on the COMSOL Conference, including this year’s locations, registration information, and more, by clicking the button below.

We hope to see you at the COMSOL Conference this year!


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