Resolvent Denmark PS

Address & Contact Information
Resolvent Denmark PS
Måløv Byvej 229, E6
2760 Måløv
Phone: +45 6166 9903
Resolvent PS is a Danish company working internationally. We specialize in multiphysics simulation for product development, troubleshooting, and optimization.
Using simulation, we aim to provide you with the fastest solutions possible, taking pride in delivering results within days. Our philosophy is to start simple and then increase complexity only if needed. To do so, we answer your questions by modeling just those features that are specific to your needs. The model is then developed in small steps to address new questions.
If modeling is a valuable tool for your business, we can introduce you to multiphysics simulation and help you turn your models into apps, with no modeling experience required on your part.
Areas of Expertise
- Chemistry and electrochemistry
- Chemical engineering
- Reactors
- Unit operations
- System simulation
- Particle tracing
- Conjugate heat transfer
- Structural mechanics
- Linear, including stress linearization
- Nonlinear in status (contact), material (plasticity), and geometry (large deflections)
- Stability (buckling)
- Dynamic/transient and modal (eigenfrequency)
- Acoustics
- Vertical applications (i.e., COMSOL Server™ applications)
- Statistics and data analysis
- Design of experiment
The process of obtaining a valuable model is often easier than you would think. Thus, we encourage you to contact us with your problems and questions. We would be happy to be your partner in multiphysics modeling and simulation.