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Geometry Renaming

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Hi Everyone,

I am experiencing a strange problem that I am curious if anyone else is experiencing. Everything I save a file that has specific names (or even the auto generated ones) and close COMSOL, upon reopening the file all the names are switched around. So now I would have Cylinders named BLK1 or particle names being swtiched with substrate names.

Its doesn't appear to be changing any of the physics, however its rather annoying as I have to go in and rename everything each time so I don't confuse myself when working on the physics settings.

1 Reply Last Post 2009年7月13日 GMT+2 07:37

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Posted: 2 decades ago 2009年7月13日 GMT+2 07:37

I see the same from time to time, don't know why. I refrain from naming geometry now. Instead, I use named groups for the parameters.

Hi, I see the same from time to time, don't know why. I refrain from naming geometry now. Instead, I use named groups for the parameters. Regards Matthias

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