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soft iron in v4.0a

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I tried to perform the tutorial "Nonlinear Magnetostrictive Transducer"
with v4.0a and now face a problem:
I cannot find "Soft iron (with losses)" in the material library.
Is there something wrong with my library or is it just not contained in v4.0a?
I'm a bit confused because in v3.5a it seems to exist due to the concerning tutorial...
Thx in advance,

1 Reply Last Post 2011年9月7日 GMT+2 16:43
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011年9月7日 GMT+2 16:43

get hands on the latest version and you will find back all the 3.5... items and much more,
check with your local rep its the easiest

Good luck
Hi get hands on the latest version and you will find back all the 3.5... items and much more, check with your local rep its the easiest -- Good luck Ivar

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