Jeff Hiller
COMSOL Employee
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1 year ago
2023年9月25日 GMT+2 20:12
1 year ago
2023年9月27日 GMT+2 19:34
Hello Brian,
In the Settings window corresponding to the "Material 1" node of the Model Builder, you can see 3 stop sign icons located next to the three properties you tried to define. This is to signal that data is missing. Add "Cp(T)", "rho(T)" and "mu(T)" in the "Value" column of that table and you will have told the software to use those functions with those arguments for those properties.
Jeff Hiller
Hello Brian,
In the Settings window corresponding to the "Material 1" node of the Model Builder, you can see 3 stop sign icons located next to the three properties you tried to define. This is to signal that data is missing. Add "Cp(T)", "rho(T)" and "mu(T)" in the "Value" column of that table and you will have told the software to use those functions with those arguments for those properties.
Robert Koslover
Certified Consultant
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1 year ago
2023年9月25日 GMT+2 20:18
1 year ago
2023年9月25日 GMT+2 20:38
Cp is the customary variable name for heat capacity.
See also a screenshot, from your file, which I have attached.
FYI, it looks like you may have forgotten to define the density and dynamic viscosity too.
Added: Looks like Jeff Hiller answered first. :-)
Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
Cp is the customary variable name for heat capacity.
See also a screenshot, from your file, which I have attached.
FYI, it looks like you may have forgotten to define the density and dynamic viscosity too.
Added: Looks like Jeff Hiller answered first. :-)