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Microwave heating, Magnetic field

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I was recently doing a simulation of microwave heating, and I wanted to know the temperature changes at different points by adding probes. How can I modify the magnetic field expression of the probe into the formula of temperature change over time that I need?

1 Reply Last Post 2023年9月26日 GMT+2 04:15
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 11 months ago 2023年9月26日 GMT+2 04:15
Updated: 11 months ago 2023年9月26日 GMT+2 04:28

I would like to read a more complete description of your problem. Are you talking about "probes" as they are normally defined in Comsol Muliphysics? If so, a "probe" is simply a variable used to store and track a quantity during program execution; a probe would not normally (i.e., by default) impact the solution of a problem, although itcouldbe used that way. Regardless, what quantity are you probing, and why? You mention the magnetic field, but is that the quantity your probe is sensing/recording? If so, are you perhaps assuming some specific physical relationship between a probe-reported value of a magnetic field and a particular heating mechanism, and you wish to define a coupling between them using the probe reported field value? Regardless, I'm sure you'll receive much better advice on this forum if you can explain to all readers in more detail just what you are trying to accomplish.

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
I would like to read a more complete description of your problem. Are you talking about "probes" as they are normally defined in Comsol Muliphysics? If so, a "probe" is simply a variable used to store and track a quantity during program execution; a probe would not normally (i.e., by default) impact the solution of a problem, although it *could* be used that way. Regardless, what quantity are you probing, and why? You mention the magnetic field, but is that the quantity your probe is sensing/recording? If so, are you perhaps assuming some specific physical relationship between a probe-reported value of a magnetic field and a particular heating mechanism, and you wish to define a coupling between them using the probe reported field value? Regardless, I'm sure you'll receive much better advice on this forum if you can explain to all readers in more detail just what you are trying to accomplish.

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