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specification of Angles a1 and a2 in Comsol 6.1 and Order of Diffraction

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Hope all of you are enjoying good helath and work.

I am using COMSOL 6.1 and have following points to get your opinion about. What are the vlues of theta-a1, theta-a2 and E0(x,y,z) for the P-Wave(TM-Transverse Magnetic) & for the S-Wave(TE-Transverse Electric) if the angle of incident for the both P-Wave and S-Wave is 80 degrees?

Second Question: I am interested only in specular reflection(incident and reflection angles are 80 degree), so what order of diffraction can I specify for this case or just checking the box of Automatic order of diffraction could lead to the actual simulation?

Third Question: My sample is of two layers stack and considering air layer it becomes three. The port1(sourrce port/excitation port) is the top of air layer(third layer) and port2(sink port/non- excitaiton port) is the bottom of 1st layer(NiCr). I am using interpolation function for n &k values of NiCr in IR. So, I am using real value of refractive index "1" for the port 1(air layer top) and what can I use as real value of refractive index for the port2( bottom of NiCr layer) as I am using interpolation function?

I am hopeful to get the answers and thankful in anticipation.

0 Replies Last Post 2023年10月6日 GMT+2 23:31
COMSOL Moderator

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