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a PID controller for an Ohmic heating system

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I want to add a PID controller for an Ohmic heating system. I want to control the system based on the center temperture of the heated sample, for example 70 °C in a range of ±0.5°C. However, when I set the controller parameters, I am getting an error massage "All active controll parameters must have consistent units".

Would anyone help me to solve this issue?

Thank you

2 Replies Last Post 2023年11月22日 GMT+1 19:10
Magnus Ringh COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 10 months ago 2023年11月17日 GMT+1 08:50


I'm not sure how the entire setup of the model is done, but if, for example, you want your control variable for a temparture controller to be a heating device with an SI unit of W (watt) (it could beor something similar depending on the model setup but let's assume W here). ThenK_Pshould have a unit ofW/K,K_Ishould have a unit ofW/(K*s), andK_Dshould have a unit ofW*s/K. When you have set up the PID Controller with consistent settings, the deduced unit for the controller appears in theInformationsection at the bottom of theSettingswindow.

Best regards,


Hi, I'm not sure how the entire setup of the model is done, but if, for example, you want your control variable for a temparture controller to be a heating device with an SI unit of W (watt) (it could be W/m^3 or something similar depending on the model setup but let's assume W here). Then `K_P` should have a unit of `W/K`, `K_I` should have a unit of `W/(K*s)`, and `K_D` should have a unit of `W*s/K`. When you have set up the PID Controller with consistent settings, the deduced unit for the controller appears in the **Information** section at the bottom of the **Settings** window. Best regards, Magnus

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Posted: 9 months ago 2023年11月22日 GMT+1 19:10

Thank you very much Magnus for your replay and help. It wokred.

Thank you very much Magnus for your replay and help. It wokred.

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