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Waveguide losses

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Hi, I am simulating a 90° strict curve of a WR42 waveguide where TE10 mode is sent as input. As it can be seen from the image attached, the TE10 mode is almost completely lost and no field seems to be transmitted, this is confirmed by the fact that if I integrate the power flow over the output port only a very small fraction of the input power is left. If I check the Ohmic losses ( integrated over the lossy copper surface ) they are close to zero, and also mode conversion to higher order modes is not present (transmission coefficient of the S-matrix close to zero). What loss mecanism could be the cause of this loss of energy?

1 Reply Last Post 2023年12月19日 GMT+1 00:27
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 8 months ago 2023年12月19日 GMT+1 00:27
Updated: 8 months ago 2023年12月19日 GMT+1 00:47

Sudden bends in waveguide lead to reflections. Your sudden 90 deg bend presents a very serious mismatch. Suggestion: Chamfer the outer corner of your bend (by perhaps half the guide width; be sure to experiment with different values to find the best amount) and then try it again. You should see a huge change.

Examples of how it looks (see figure 2): https://www.radartutorial.eu/03.linetheory/tl15.en.html

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
Sudden bends in waveguide lead to reflections. Your sudden 90 deg bend presents a very serious mismatch. Suggestion: Chamfer the outer corner of your bend (by perhaps half the guide width; be sure to experiment with different values to find the best amount) and then try it again. You should see a huge change. Examples of how it looks (see figure 2): https://www.radartutorial.eu/03.linetheory/tl15.en.html

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