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Elasto-plastic strain variables did not converge

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Hi, I am using (Mohr Coulomb) soil plasticity in solid mechanics to simulate the soil-structure interaction of my retaining wall. Currently, the thing is that when I change my E (Young's modulus) of soil in this model to e.g. 240MPa (totally reasonable range), it shows that:

Failed to find consistent initial values.
Solid Mechanics
Iteration for finding elasto-plastic strain variables did not converge.
Geometry: geom1, Domain: 1
Failed to evaluate variable.
Variable: comp1.solid.eiel13, Defined as: comp1.solid.epl13
Failed to evaluate variable.
Variable: comp1.solid.eel13, Defined as: comp1.solid.el13-comp1.solid.eiel13
Failed to evaluate variable.
Variable: comp1.solid.sel13, Defined as: (2*comp1.solid.D66)*comp1.solid.eel13
Failed to evaluate variable.
Variable: comp1.solid.Sel13, Defined as: comp1.solid.sel13
Failed to evaluate variable.
Variable: comp1.solid.Sl13, Defined as: comp1.solid.Sel13
Failed to evaluate expression.
Expression: dvol*(-(2*comp1.solid.Sl13))
Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression.
Expression: (-comp1.solid.Sl11*test(comp1.solid.el11)-2*comp1.solid.Sl12*test(comp1.solid.el12)-2*comp1.solid.Sl13*test(comp1.solid.el13)-comp1.solid.Sl22*test(comp1.solid.el22)-2*comp1.solid.Sl23*test(comp1.solid.el23)-comp1.solid.Sl33*test(comp1.solid.el33))*(dvol)
Last time step is not converged.

But when I change the E value to very small, as 24 Pa, this error disappeared.

0 Replies Last Post 2023年12月21日 GMT+1 08:56
COMSOL Moderator

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