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Oxygen Transport and Cell Viability Model for cell culturing

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Using the Trnsport of Diluted Species Physics, I am modelling the oxygen distribution obtained with a fully scaled 2D cross section of three differently sized islets in a traditional culture model. I need to implement the following Boundary Conditions in this project 1. insulation/symmetry, n⋅(–D∇c+cu) = 0,for walls, 2. continuity for islets cells, and 3. fixed concentration (c = camb) for liquid surfaces in contact with exterior media. I tried to simulate the model , but I am little confused in imposing the BC of continuity for the islet cells . Can anyone help me to clarify is there any explicit BC that COMSOL provides to impose the continuityhttps://www.comsol.com/paper/exploratory-fem-based-multiphysics-oxygen-transport-and-cell-viability-models-fo-4905

0 Replies Last Post 2023年12月21日 GMT+1 19:35
COMSOL Moderator

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