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Setting a Boundary Condition Related to Another Point

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I'm solving a second-order differential equation on a rectangular region with dimensions Lx and Ly. The solution denotes u(x,y) requires a boundary conditon of the form u(x=Lx/2,y)=u(0,y) and similar BCs. Essentially, I want to establish a relationship between the values at these two positions.

I appreciate any insights, suggestions, or examples from the experienced COMSOL users in this community. Thank you in advance for your assistance

2 Replies Last Post 2024年2月13日 GMT+1 16:54
Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 7 months ago 2024年2月13日 GMT+1 09:07

Boundary Similarity or Extrusion function can probably help you.

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
Boundary Similarity or Extrusion function can probably help you.

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Posted: 7 months ago 2024年2月13日 GMT+1 16:54

I appreciate your assistance René. I am currently exploring "Boundary Similarity" feature and am particularly interested in setting x-expression and y-expression within the "Boundary Similarity" function. Unfortunately, I couldn't find sufficient information in the main manual. If you have any additional details or if you are aware of a more detailed lecture or manual specifically covering the setting of x-expression and y-expression in "Boundary Similarity," I would be very thankful for your guidance.

I appreciate your assistance René. I am currently exploring "Boundary Similarity" feature and am particularly interested in setting x-expression and y-expression within the "Boundary Similarity" function. Unfortunately, I couldn't find sufficient information in the main manual. If you have any additional details or if you are aware of a more detailed lecture or manual specifically covering the setting of x-expression and y-expression in "Boundary Similarity," I would be very thankful for your guidance.

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