Stationary analysis heater control

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I have a model of an electrically powered radiant heater heating a part. My goal is to determine the heater power and thermal distribution on the part when the part reaches a desired average temperature setpoint. I am not particularly interested in transient behavior at this point.

I can get this to work using a smoothed step function to control the heater power as a function of a temperature probe, but only in a transient analysis run for long enough that everything comes to equilibrium. Trying to use this method with a stationary analysis results in convergence difficulties and unreliable heater power results (for instance, getting zero reported steady state heater power when the heater and part are both hot).

Is there a method to target/solve for heater power level to get my part to the temperature set point in a stationary (steady state) thermal analysis?

0 Replies Last Post 2024年3月14日 GMT+1 20:42
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