Help Needed: Undefined Variable and Jacobian Evaluation Errors in Thermal Plasma Module Simulation - can someone Please help?

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a project that involves simulating an arc event using the Thermal Plasma module. Unfortunately, I've encountered a couple of errors that have halted my progress. I'm in urgent need of assistance to resolve these issues. The details of the errors are as follows:


Undefined variable. - Variable: - Geometry: geom1 - Domain: 3 Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: dvol(R(pi(( Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: (,comp1.A),comp1.A),comp1.A))piR)*(dvol)

Issue: The software fails to evaluate the Jacobian of the above expressions. I have double-checked the variable names and scope within my model setup, but the errors persist. I suspect the issues might be related to how I've structured the expressions or possibly a misunderstanding on my part regarding variable scope or solver settings.

Could anyone provide insights or suggestions on how to resolve these errors? Any guidance, especially if you've encountered similar issues, would be greatly appreciated. Tips on expression structuring or solver settings adjustments that could help bypass these problems would also be very welcome.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Looking forward to any suggestions you might have.

Best regards, Saurav

0 Replies Last Post 2024年3月18日 GMT+1 12:21
COMSOL Moderator

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