Computing Space Charge Density using coupled Poisson's and Continuity Equation

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I am trying to solve the coupled Poisson's and Continuity Equation using the following method in a 2D coaxial geometry- 1. Solving the poisson's equation with a stationary study to compute electric potential. 2. Using the value of this electric potential from study 1 (stationary study) in study 2 which is a time dependent study to solve the coupled PDE for Poisson's and Continuity equation. The idea is to split the total space charge density into 2 parts- drho(space-dependent) and rho0(constant part) using approprite BC like- drho=0 at conductor surface. At one arbitrary point- 0 = V0-PHI where V0 is the applied voltaage 3. I am using a time dependent study since ion-mobility is being used.

The problem is the surface plot for the space charge density is not accurate as it forms patches upon iterating over time-steps. What could be the possible problem? the mesh used is extra fine and the time steps are in the range (0,0.1,1000) us

0 Replies Last Post 2024年3月29日 GMT+1 17:06
COMSOL Moderator

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