dynamic thermal properties in multilayer system

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I am currently having an issue setting a dynamic property for a material.
Using heat transfer in solids, I created three layers, the second layer has a dynamic thermal conductivity (depending on the temperature in layer 1 and layer 3 = if T(layer 1)>T(layer 3) k=k1, else k=k2). I am facing an issue setting my if function as I only have one variable T. I tried using different heat transfer in solids physics for each layer (that way I ended up with T for layer 1, T2 for layer 2, T3 for layer 3 and my condition for the material of the second layer become: if T>T3 k=k1, else k=k2), however, I got an error message stating that:
Undefined variable. - Variable: comp1.T - Geometry: geom1 - Domain: 2 Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: dvol_spatial*(comp1.ht2.dfluxy*comp1.ht2.d) Failed to evaluate Jacobian of expression. - Expression: ((comp1.ht2.dfluxx*test(comp1.T2x)+comp1.ht2.dfluxy*test(comp1.T2y))*comp1.ht2.d)*(dvol_spatial).

0 Replies Last Post 2024年4月2日 GMT+2 00:28
COMSOL Moderator

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