Coupling of an algebraic equation with Transport of Diluted Species

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Dear COMSOL community!

I'm very new to the software and I couldn't find anything in the documentation, so maybe one of you can give me a quick hint.

I'm using the Transport of Diluted Species module to compute concentration profiles (2D) in a nanofluidic device. Now I want to add a chemical equilbrium condition at a boundary: K(G0 - Gs) - cGs = 0, where K and G0 are constants, c is the concentration at the boundary (dependent variable from the Transport of Diluted Species) and Gs is a surface concentration (the variable I want to solve for). I'm trying to implement that using the Boundary ODEs and DAEs module. However, I don't quite get how the dependent variable from the TDS can be accessed. Especially I don't get how to get the concentration value just at the boundary, i.e. the 1D concentration distribution.

Thank you!

Best regards, Florian

2 Replies Last Post 2024年4月11日 GMT+2 13:17
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 5 months ago 2024年4月10日 GMT+2 15:47
Updated: 5 months ago 2024年4月10日 GMT+2 15:47

Hello Florian,

Perhapsthis tutorial modelcould be helpful to you.


Jeff Hiller
Hello Florian, Perhaps [this tutorial model]( could be helpful to you. Jeff

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Posted: 5 months ago 2024年4月11日 GMT+2 13:17

Thank you, that helped a lot!

Cheers, Florian

Thank you, that helped a lot! Cheers, Florian


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