surf plot in 3d models

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Is there a feature of a surface plot as surf(x,y,z) in Matlab? In 2d models, 2d surface plots can be converted to a surf plot by a height plot but in 3d models this seems to be missing?

2 Replies Last Post 2024年4月27日 GMT+2 05:17
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 5 months ago 2024年4月16日 GMT+2 18:46
Updated: 5 months ago 2024年4月16日 GMT+2 18:45

Consider this: Right-click your particular 3D plot of interest (within a 3D plot group, in the Model Builder, under Results) and see if there is a "Deformation" option in the pop-up list. For example you can add deformations to slice, surface, and volume plots (among others!) in 3D plot groups. I wonder if that might provide the functionality you are looking for?

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
Consider this: Right-click your particular 3D plot of interest (within a 3D plot group, in the Model Builder, under Results) and see if there is a "Deformation" option in the pop-up list. For example you can add deformations to slice, surface, and volume plots (among others!) in 3D plot groups. I wonder if that might provide the functionality you are looking for?

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Posted: 4 months ago 2024年4月27日 GMT+2 05:17

Dr Koslover thanks! But Deformation is different from surf(x,y,f(x,y)) in that it's actually a vector plot with 3 components? It doesn't allow surf(x,t,f(x,t)) where time is one of the arguments of surf.

Dr Koslover thanks! But Deformation is different from surf(x,y,f(x,y)) in that it's actually a vector plot with 3 components? It doesn't allow surf(x,t,f(x,t)) where time is one of the arguments of surf.


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