Livelink for MATLAB taking too much time to simulate

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Dear all,

I am simulating coil strands to know its AC resistance. i am using LiveLink for MATLAB to automate this task. however, for 10 turns coil with 100 strands, the total simulation time goes to 5 hours while for 10 turns with 300 strands, the total simulation time goes 50+ hours. by profiler code checking, i found that *** model.sol('sol').runAll;*** is taking 95% of overall simulation time. can you please suggests me to reduce the time duration of simulations. I am using regular mesh with minimal complexity. best regards thanks

1 Reply Last Post 2024年5月13日 GMT+2 18:21
Dave Greve Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 months ago 2024年5月13日 GMT+2 18:21
Updated: 4 months ago 2024年5月13日 GMT+2 18:21

Be aware that some problems are just too big.

However based on your drawing it looks like you have six-fold symmetry. Use it.

Be aware that some problems are just too big. However based on your drawing it looks like you have six-fold symmetry. Use it.


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