Definition of Electrical conductivity (σ)

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I'm modeling a metasurface made up of Co meta atoms on top of a dielectric layer of SiO2 on a "bulk" Al reflective substrate. I had available the experimental data of the real (n) and imaginary (k) part of the refractive index of Cobalt as a function of wavelength. I loaded this data into COMSOL and interpolated it by defining the functions n(c_const/freq) and k(c_const/freq). Subsequently, since I wanted to describe cobalt through its relative permittivity, I calculated the real and imaginary part of the relative permittivity through the relations: e_real = n^2 - k^2 and e_im = 2*n*k.

Finally, since COMSOL asks me to specify the electrical conductivity, I defined this quantity as: sigma = j*epsilon0_const*2*pi*(c_const/lam)*((e_real - j*e_im)-1).

With this relationship I should describe complex sigma.

Is what I did correct?

Do you have suggestions?




0 Replies Last Post 2024年5月24日 GMT+2 00:54
COMSOL Moderator

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