Detection of Circularly polarized light (LCP and RCP) at oblique incidence angle

Yadav Rohit Umashankar

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Hello Everyone, I am trying to simulate transmission and reflection of circularly polarized light (LCP and RCP) passing through some material, in wave optics module in 3D. I am able to generate the LCP and RCP light by defining through the port as Ex=cos(alpha), Ey=j, Ez=sin(alpha) for LCP and Ey=-j for RCP rest Ex and Ez remains same for RCP, where alpha is the angle of incidence varying from 0deg to 89 degree. I am using two periodic ports, one to launch the light and other to detect it, along with floquet periodic boundary conditions on the sidewalls .The problem is when I am detecting the same light through port 2 in transmission, just in air it doesn't gives the transmittance to be 1. Instead it shows for lower angle to be 1 and gradually decreases to 0 at higher angles as attached in figure below. If anyone could help me with this it would be great help.

0 Replies Last Post 2024年6月10日 GMT+2 18:54
COMSOL Moderator

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