Problems with coil core

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Dear All,

I'm stuck on a very simple problem, but it prevents me from analyzing my model. When adding a core to my coil, the inductance should be greater, but it simply doesn't change. Can anybody help me? In the attached model I have a square coils with the input and output, interfacing the air boundaries. Simply enabling the material core I can set the presence of a core.

Thanks comsol 6.2

2 Replies Last Post 2024年6月21日 GMT+2 16:39
Acculution ApS Certified Consultant

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Posted: 2 months ago 2024年6月19日 GMT+2 09:46

If you go to Material, you can see that none of the materials that you have put are actually being used, since no tick marks are shown on the left column under Material Content. That is because under your physics (mf) all domains are assumed to be Free Space, and you can see in the Help that air or vacuum conditions are asssumed here. So you need add an Amperes law node to define your iron. Have a look at for example the small_signal_analysis_of_inductor.mph case in application library.

René Christensen, PhD
Acculution ApS
If you go to Material, you can see that none of the materials that you have put are actually being used, since no tick marks are shown on the left column under Material Content. That is because under your physics (mf) all domains are assumed to be Free Space, and you can see in the Help that air or vacuum conditions are asssumed here. So you need add an Amperes law node to define your iron. Have a look at for example the small_signal_analysis_of_inductor.mph case in application library.

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Posted: 2 months ago 2024年6月21日 GMT+2 16:39

Thank you very much! Now the results make sense and I can move on to my main project. I had noticed that the Ampere's law node was present in some examples, but I thought the software automatically added all the necessary nodes. Thank you so much !!

Thank you very much! Now the results make sense and I can move on to my main project. I had noticed that the Ampere's law node was present in some examples, but I thought the software automatically added all the necessary nodes. Thank you so much !!


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