Magnet - Magnetic and Electric Fields

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I am trying to create a stationary magnet within the Magnetic and Electric Fields setting. I have tried using Ampere's Law and Current Conservation for each pole of the magnet, but keep getting a singular matrix error.

I have seen lots of examples of how to create magnets in the (MF) setting, but I can't figure out how to create it in (MEF).

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Tesla

1 Reply Last Post 2024年6月14日 GMT+2 22:08
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 3 months ago 2024年6月14日 GMT+2 22:08
Updated: 3 months ago 2024年6月14日 GMT+2 22:12

I've attached an example,using the MEF formulationper your request. I don't claim that this is a great model per se, but it doesn't give any computational errors! So take a look at it. FYI, I chose the source of the magnet's field to be a bulk magnetization (rather than try to specify poles). By the way, if you have air or empty space in your problem, be sure to assign it a small butnon-zeroelectrical conductivity!

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
I've attached an example, *using the MEF formulation* per your request. I don't claim that this is a great model per se, but it doesn't give any computational errors! So take a look at it. FYI, I chose the source of the magnet's field to be a bulk magnetization (rather than try to specify poles). By the way, if you have air or empty space in your problem, be sure to assign it a small but *non-zero* electrical conductivity!


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