Points node numbering

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Hello When creating points in geometry and try to assign them probes, the points numbering are not in order, so how can i make them in oreder because i am trying to create many points in the geometry and assign each on of them a probe and i am doing it through matlab livelink using for loop which i need the numbering to assign the probes accordingly. The for loop code is shown below and the numbering is show in the picture

i = 1; for theta = 0:45:359 n = ['pt' num2str(i)]; model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').create(n, 'Point'); model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').feature(n).label(['sensor at angle = ',num2str(n)]); model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').feature(n).setIndex('p', sind(theta), 0); model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').feature(n).setIndex('p', cosd(theta), 1); model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').runPre('fin');

model.component('comp1').probe.create(n, 'Point'); model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').run; model.component('comp1').probe(n).selection.set([i]); model.component('comp1').geom('geom1').run('fin'); i = i + 1;


Thank you

0 Replies Last Post 2024年6月29日 GMT+2 03:44
COMSOL Moderator

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