Strain Components in Cylindrical Coordinate System

Juan Martin Millan Guerrero

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Hi, I am applying a strip load on a cylindrical material and I would like to obtain the results of the strain components in cylindrical coordinates (r, phi, a) instead of Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z). The model of the material is linear elastic transversely isotropic.

Can someone help me to figure out how to plot the strain in cylindrical coordinates.

Thank you very much in advance.

Juan Martin Millan

1 Reply Last Post 2024年7月25日 GMT+2 15:39
Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 4 weeks ago 2024年7月25日 GMT+2 15:39

Three possible methods (in order of convenience):

  • Use a cylindrical coordinate system in theLinear Elastic Materialnode. This, of course, assumes that you can represent the transversely isotropic material in that system.
  • Add aLocal System Resultsnode underVariablesin the Solid Mechanics interface.
  • Add aMatrix Transformnode underDefinitions(Variable Utilitiesmust be activated fromShow More Options).
Henrik Sönnerlind
Three possible methods (in order of convenience): * Use a cylindrical coordinate system in the *Linear Elastic Material* node. This, of course, assumes that you can represent the transversely isotropic material in that system. * Add a *Local System Results* node under *Variables* in the Solid Mechanics interface. * Add a *Matrix Transform* node under *Definitions* (*Variable Utilities* must be activated from *Show More Options*).


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