Eigenfrequency Prestressed not working

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Hello I'm doing an Eigenfrequency Prestressed study of a rod and it is giving me this error

**Failed to find a solution. The relative residual (1.9) is greater than the relative tolerance. There was a warning message from the linear solver. Iterative refinement triggered. Returned solution is not converged. Not all parameter steps returned. **

here are the boundary condition that is given 1. The rod has a rigid connector boundary that constrained rotation in x y and z direction place at the bottom of the rod 2. the rod has an added mass boundary of 50 kg at the bottom of the rod 3. gravity is used, set at -9.82 m/s^2 in y direction 4. the material used is anisotropic silicon

The mesh is set at extra fine

attached is the rod mph.file that is used.

1 Reply Last Post 2024年8月22日 GMT+2 11:32
Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 3 days ago 2024年8月22日 GMT+2 11:32

The stationary load case cannot converge, since the model is underconstrained. All six rigid body motions must be suppressed.

Henrik Sönnerlind
The stationary load case cannot converge, since the model is underconstrained. All six rigid body motions must be suppressed.


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