Periodic Boundary Condition Implementation for few discrete Node or DOF

Shankar Lal Gugulothu

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Dear All, I want to apply the Periodic Boundary Conditions on specific Points/Joints/Nodes in the Truss/Beam for different dependent variable say u,v,theta_Z but not on the Boundaries. For 2D TRUSS/BEAM of Structural Mechanics I am not able to see the Periodic Boundary Condition option for Points/Nodes directly(Automatic). I have tried Manually coupling for Periodic Boundary Condition by Pairs (Identity Point Pair) under Definitions node, it gave me a syntax (src2dst) which is a source point existence indicator it is used while applying the point constraint in the at destination point for periodic displacements as follows, src2dst_p1(u)*exp(-1i*kx*a) and src2dst_p1(v)*exp(-1i*kx*a) for both u,v displacement components. Let me know is this the procedure is correct, please suggest me for applying PBC for points in structure. I am attaching figure and mph file for more understanding the problem.


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