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how to run a java .class file with command line arguments from the console

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How can I pass (command line) arguments to a .class file when starting it from the console? The public static void main(String[]) method of my class parses its arguments to set parameters of the device being simulated, and to determine what simulation tasks to perform. When called from within the desktop (i.e. no arguments given), it pops up a window to ask the user for these arguments - but as the next step I would like to run this class from the command line, specifying all parameters and tasks as command line options. Can this be done?
I have 4.3b
Thank you

[edit: I know how to pass command line args to a java program, but I guess with comsol I do not run these .class file as "java myclass.class arg1 arg2...", but with comsolbatch]

1 Reply Last Post 2014年1月10日 GMT+1 16:49

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2014年1月10日 GMT+1 16:49
Sorry, the answer:
add ModelUtil.initStandalone(true|false); to the beginning of the main method, and run it as a normal java app... Sorry for the question.
as described on page 17 here: nf.nci.org.au/facilities/software/COMSOL/4.3a/doc/pdf/mph/COMSOLJavaAPIReferenceGuide.pdf
Sorry, the answer: add ModelUtil.initStandalone(true|false); to the beginning of the main method, and run it as a normal java app... Sorry for the question. as described on page 17 here: http://nf.nci.org.au/facilities/software/COMSOL/4.3a/doc/pdf/mph/COMSOLJavaAPIReferenceGuide.pdf

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