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Questions regarding the heat transfer module

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Hi, I actually have a couple of questions. First is sort of a technical problem

1. When I try to export my image or use the animate button in Comsol to animate my model as a function of time, Comsol shuts down automatically. I am running it on a Linux machine from the terminal so I don't know if that is the reason. It allows me export the data points to a txt file so I can create graphs but it shuts down for some reason every time I try to export the image or animate the model. Does anyone know why?

2. This one is related to Heat transfer module. I am using the conduction system in 3D under the heat transfer tab under the Multiphysics tab to create a composite sphere model with two mediums at different temperatures (the inner medium being hotter). The model works fine and solves correctly except for one small thing. When I graph the temperature vs the radius it provides the normal exponential decay graph expected except for a tiny unnatural bump at the beginning and a tiny unnatural dip at the end (For example as the radius increases the temperature decreases in the hot medium except for at the beginning when the temperature rises higher than the initial temp of the hot medium and then decreases naturally until it dips lower than the initial temp of the cold medium until it stablizes). Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I am pretty sure my subdomain and boundary settings are correct. The graph is fine except for the tiny bump and dip. Note I am solving this at a specific time, i.e I am using a Time Dependent solver.

Thanks again for your help and sorry for the length of these questions.


0 Replies Last Post 2009年6月25日 GMT+2 16:31
COMSOL Moderator

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