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Concentration of an ion at a set distance from an electrode surface

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I've been playing with comsol for a couple of months now to try and supplement some of my experimental work.

I'm trying to model the concentration profile of a positive ionic species as a function of distance from an electrode that has a negative potential. Drawing the domains is easy enough, and i can define the boundary potential at the electrode surface. But, how do i fill my sub domain with an ionic species and specify the charges on the ions etc?

As you can probably tell, I’m a beginner with comsol so any help would be greatly appreciated.



1 Reply Last Post 2009年6月30日 GMT+2 09:50

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Posted: 2 decades ago 2009年6月30日 GMT+2 09:50


I've been playing with comsol for a couple of months now to try and supplement some of my experimental work.

I'm trying to model the concentration profile of a positive ionic species as a function of distance from an electrode that has a negative potential. Drawing the domains is easy enough, and i can define the boundary potential at the electrode surface. But, how do i fill my sub domain with an ionic species and specify the charges on the ions etc?

As you can probably tell, I’m a beginner with comsol so any help would be greatly appreciated.



A good method is to solve the governing equations for ion transport (Nernst-Planck) with realistic boundary conditions representing electrode reaction kinetics (Butler-Volmer). There are several examples available, for example the model library example Chemical_Engineering_Module/Electrochemical_Engineering/copper_deposition. A good reference paper on the method is this:

Asymptotic Analysis of Diffuse-Layer Effects on Time-Dependent Interfacial Kinetics,
Antoine Bonnefont et al.

[QUOTE] Hi, I've been playing with comsol for a couple of months now to try and supplement some of my experimental work. I'm trying to model the concentration profile of a positive ionic species as a function of distance from an electrode that has a negative potential. Drawing the domains is easy enough, and i can define the boundary potential at the electrode surface. But, how do i fill my sub domain with an ionic species and specify the charges on the ions etc? As you can probably tell, I’m a beginner with comsol so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rob [/QUOTE] A good method is to solve the governing equations for ion transport (Nernst-Planck) with realistic boundary conditions representing electrode reaction kinetics (Butler-Volmer). There are several examples available, for example the model library example Chemical_Engineering_Module/Electrochemical_Engineering/copper_deposition. A good reference paper on the method is this: [i]Asymptotic Analysis of Diffuse-Layer Effects on Time-Dependent Interfacial Kinetics[/i], Antoine Bonnefont et al. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0728(00)00470-8 Niklas

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