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Transient analysis using batch mode, only time = 0 result is saved?

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I am using batch mode in linux to run a model using following command,

comsol -np 4 batch -input fileinput.mph -output fileinputRes.mph

It's a transient model, after running the model, a new file fileinputRes.mph is created, but the problem is,
only the results are time = 0 is saved, results for other times are not saved.

And it's the same problem with parametric model, only results for the first values of parameter is saved.
Does someone has the same experience as me?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.


2 Replies Last Post 2010年7月14日 GMT+2 19:13

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2010年7月14日 GMT+2 18:17
I'm fighting with exactly the same problem. If you ever find a solution for this, please do share that =)
I'm fighting with exactly the same problem. If you ever find a solution for this, please do share that =)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2010年7月14日 GMT+2 19:13

I'm fighting with exactly the same problem. If you ever find a solution for this, please do share that =)

Sorry, I haven't found the solution yet.
[QUOTE] I'm fighting with exactly the same problem. If you ever find a solution for this, please do share that =) [/QUOTE] Sorry, I haven't found the solution yet.

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