Hydrogen Technology and Fuel Cell Models

To demonstrate how the COMSOL Multiphysics® software can be used for modeling technology related to hydrogen production, storage, and transportation, as well as energy production through fuel cells, we create example models and other guides on a regular basis. Browse example models and see suggested add-on modules in this resource collection.

COMSOL Models for Download

All documentation and MPH-files are free to download via the links below, but please note that you need a COMSOL® software license or trial to open the MPH-files. The examples can be used as a starting point for your own simulation work or simply as inspiration.

Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis, Gasification, Solar Radiation, and Pyrolysis

PEM Electrolyzer

Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell

Alkaline Electrolyzer

Alkaline Electrolyzer Stack

Zero-Gap Alkaline Water Electrolyzer

Syngas Combustion in a Round-Jet Burner

Solar Dish Receiver

Pyrolysis of Wood

Steam Methane Reformer

Plate–Fin Heat Exchanger

Hydrogen Storage and Transportation Technology

Metal Hydride Hydrogen Tank

Hydrogen Storage in a Geological Formation


Coriolis Flowmeter

Energy Production with Fuel Cells

Low-Temperature PEM Fuel Cell

Fuel Cell Stack Cooling

Nonisothermal PEM Fuel Cell

High-Temperature PEM Fuel Cell

Product Spotlight

A computer running the COMSOL Multiphysics software with an alkaline electrolyzer stack model in the Graphics window.

It all starts with COMSOL Multiphysics®, the platform product for creating physics-based models and simulation applications. From there, you can add as many specialized modules and interfacing products as needed — they all connect seamlessly via the platform for a consistent modeling workflow regardless of what you are modeling.

Here are some suggested products to add to COMSOL Multiphysics® for modeling electrolyzers, fuel cells, and related technology:

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Flexible License Options

COMSOL offers a variety of license types to meet the needs of different types of organizations and teams.

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