Design and Optimization of Periodic Structures for Electromagnetic Wave Manipulation

Rajat Srivastava 1, Dr Sangeeta Kale 1
1Defence Institute of Advanced Technology

This research presents the design, simulation, and characterization of novel resonator structures based on the principles of coupling electric fields using periodic metamaterial-inspired configurations using COMSOL Multiphysics RF module. The resonators are meticulously crafted to harness electromagnetic energy coupling phenomena through the implementation of complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) in circular, square, and combined circular-square geometries. The study focuses on the utilization of electromagnetic waves in the frequency domain, with an emphasis on resonant behavior. The resonant frequencies of the fabricated structures were selected in the range of 3 to 4.5 GHz and different types of designs were selected, such as circular, square, and combined CSRR designs, respectively. These frequencies exhibit the inherent tunability of the resonators and the ability to manipulate electromagnetic responses in different frequency ranges. Furthermore, the quality factors (Q-factors) of the resonators are determined to be 48, 112, and 24 for the circular, square, and combined structures, respectively. These Q-factors reflect the efficiency of energy storage and dissipation within the resonators. We have also calculated the relative shift in resonant frequencies when the sensor was exposed to a model testing medium, ethanol. It was observed that the relative shift in frequencies was found to be highest in case of square complementary split ring resonator of about 195 MHz for 100 microliters when compared to other two resonators. This value of maximum frequency shift corresponds to the maximum value of Q-factor obtained for the same device. The simulation results underscore the potential of these metamaterial-inspired resonators for applications in various fields of sensing including chemical sensing, biological sensing, physical sensing and many others. The achieved resonant frequencies and Q-factors signify promising advancements and optimization in the design of electromagnetic wave manipulation devices. This work contributes to the on-going exploration of metamaterial concepts in resonator engineering [1]-[3] and offers insights into tailoring electromagnetic responses for specific applications.

Keywords: metamaterial, resonator, complementary split ring resonator (CSRR), electromagnetic waves, frequency domain, quality factor (Q-factor), tunability.


[1] R. Srivastava, S. Parmar, S. Srivastava, V. Kale, S. S. Datar, and S. N. Kale, “Resonance Based Sensor for Explosive ( HMX ) Detection and Classification Using k-NN Algorithm,” in 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2022, pp. 1–6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT54291.2022.9824893. [2] R. Srivastava, Y. Kumar, S. Banerjee, and S. N. Kale, “Real-time transformer oil monitoring using planar frequency-based sensor,” Sensors Actuators A. Phys., vol. 347, no. July, p. 113892, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2022.113892. [3] R. Srivastava and S. Kale, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of Optical Microring Resonator for Chemical Sensing,” in 65th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2021, pp. 339–340, [Online]. Available:
