Design of 0.2 THz Staggered Double Vane Beam-Wave Interaction Structure using COMSOL Multiphysics

Monodipa Sarkar 1, Niraj Kumar 1
1Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India, 201002 and CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, Rajasthan, India, 333031

THz is an emerging technology which can be strongly utilized in the field of spectroscopy, communication, biomedical, non-destructive evaluation (NDE), food industry and many more fields [1-2]. It covers the frequency range from 0.1-10 THz [2]. At THz regime, to achieve the high output power along with broader bandwidth the backward wave oscillator (BWO) is a promising solution. In BWO, the beam-wave interaction structure is one of the core component. The staggered double vane interaction structure (SDVIS) is a type of beam-wave interaction structure which possesses a planar and robust metallic geometry. SDVIS is primarily capable to provide broader bandwidth, high interaction impedance, compatibility to be driven by sheet electron beam [3-4]. In this content, the design of a 0.2 THz SDVIS structure has been presented and its dispersion diagram, S-parameter plot, and E-field pattern in the structure have been analyzed. The design has been carried out through the RF module of COMSOL Multiphysics and electromagnetic waves, frequency domain (emw) physics has been chosen for further analysis. To study the dispersion characteristics the eigen frequency general study has been used. The frequency domain general study has been utilized to analyze the S-parameter plots as well as the E-field pattern. The structure has been simulated for the frequency range 199-290 GHz to achieve the S-parameter plot. At this range of frequency, the return-loss is approximately below -30dB. This structure provides a broader bandwidth up to 91GHz. Therefore, this paper presents the design mechanism of SDVIS through COMSOL Multiphysics and its analysis in frequency domain.

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