Development of Step-by-Step Estimation Approach for Battery Simulation Based on Experimental Data.

D.Y. Shin 1, J.Y.Lee 1
1Altsoft Inc., Seoul, South Korea.

For modeling battery simulation, material properties and simulation parameters such as electrical conductivity, diffusion coefficient, volume ratio of electrodes / electrolytes, exchange current density and electrode particle radius are required. Though these kinds information can be obtained through measurement but limited and not enough generally. So it is necessary to estimate appropriate simulation parameters based on experimental data. However, it is difficult to estimate all parameters at once due to many numbers of variables to estimate. In this case, the process of estimating appropriate parameter in each step is required for reasonable simulation and time consuming. Regarding modeling approaches for each electrode materials, “Newman model” and “Single Particle Model” are popular. The Newman model is the most well-known battery simulation approach, which simulate PDEs considering the mass and charge balance of Li ions. Being base on the “Newman model”, “Single Particle Model” can be derived if concentration, potential gradient of electrolyte and electrode are ignored and simplified. In this work, we studied a step-by-step parameter estimation modeling approach by using the Battery Design Module and Optimization Module of COMSOL®. Common parameters between “Newman model” and “Single Particle Model” were estimated first and remaining parameters were estimated through the “Newman model”. The results of in this step-by-step approach were compared with general estimation approach results on the point of time efficiency and accuracy view.

