Drag Reduction and Vortex-Induced Vibration Mitigation Via Optimizing Aerodynamic Characteristics

Raed Bourisli 1, Adel Alshayji 1
1Kuwait University

This study focuses on optimizing the lengths of various structural components around a cylinder to minimize drag. Using COMSOL Multiphysics, numerical simulations involving Laminar Flow were performed. Key components optimized include an arrowhead positioned upstream and two flaps downstream of the cylinder. The goal is to significantly reduce the drag coefficient across the assembly. Initial results demonstrate a substantial reduction in overall drag, validating the effectiveness of the optimized configurations in managing aerodynamic forces. Ongoing work includes releasing the static condition on the structure in order to absorb some of the fluid momentum. This methodology will represent a significant improvement over static or non-optimized systems and underscores the potential of adaptive designs in enhancing aerodynamic efficiency and stability.

