Dynamic Characterization of Elastomeric Rings

Luigi Lentini 1
1Politecnico di Torino

Elastomeric elements are currently used as external dampers in many applications to increase the stability of dynamical systems, e.g., rotor-bearings systems. However, the dynamic design of systems embedded with elastomeric dampers is a hard task, since the properties of this kind of material depend on different aspects: working temperature, squeeze, stretch, frequency and their geometrical dimensions.This work presents a "hybrid" procedure to identify the dynamic performance of elastomeric rings, i.e., stiffness and damping.The proposed identification technique consists of different steps. Firstly, the dynamic properties of the elastomeric material, i.e., dynamic modulus, are measured through dynamic mechanical analysis. Secondly, the material properties are used in a numerical model that reproduces the dynamical tests performed on a real experimental set-up to measure the stiffness and damping of elastomeric rings. Once validated, the proposed "hybrid" identification procedure will make it possible to significantly reduce the experimental effort that is usually requested for the dynamic identification of elastomeric rings.

