Fluxgate Virtual Current Sensor

A. Lekdim 1, D. Coutellier 1
1LEM Tech France

The paper describes how the fluxgate current sensor works and how it is built in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Four COMSOL® modules were used: -AC/DC Module: the magnetic field physic is used in order to apply the Ampere-Maxwell’s law to the different sensor components and to the air box. A magnetic anisotropy is applied to the sensitive part which is the magnetic core. Indeed, the latter is manufactured in wound pieces.
-Electrical Circuit interface: it simulates the electronics, for example the electrical source and the impedance of the circuit. Un external coupling is implemented in order to supply the power to the windings assigned in the AC/DC module. -Events interface: it is used to replace and to simulate the command algorithm that manages the electronics. Indeed, it trigs the electrical source at specific moments. -General Form PDE interface: it is used to implement a magnetic dynamic behaviour to the magnetic core. The magnetic model was checked successfully to real measurements.
The realised COMSOL® model is piloted using LiveLink™ for MATLAB® to run and post process the signals into current measurements.
Conclusion: The realised virtual sensor is useful for: -continuous improvement, -simulating extreme conditions that can’t be easily set in real life, -simulating customer environment to allows better integration of the sensor.
