Interaction of the Laser with the Material Modelling of the Micro-Lenses Creation

P. Janicek 1, P. Kutalek 1, J. Schwarz 1, J. Smolik 1, P. Knotek 1
1Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic

Micro-lenses with potential applications in optics on the surface of the various heavy-metal oxide glasses were created and studied experimentally [1-2]. Laser direct writing using continuous-wave laser emitting at 447 nm was successfully performed [2]. The aim of this study is to compare the height and spatial profile of micro-lenses numerically calculated using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software with the measured results performed with holographic and atomic force microscopy. The role of different parameters (laser power density, exposition time, diameter of the laser spot etc.) on the micro-lenses will be discussed. Development of the model from relatively simple obtained by utilization of Localized Heat Source application to Radiative Beam in Absorbing Media interface with thermal expansion using COMSOL Multiphysics® will be shown and compared with experimental results. Utilizing the Heat Transfer Module in COMSOL Multiphysics® allows to calculate local temperature during laser illumination in different places on the sample in dependence on time of illumination. In combination with thermal expansion using Structural Mechanics module local displacement (corresponding to local height of the micro-lens) can be calculated (see fig. 1 as an example).

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the grant LM2023037 financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
