Introducing Kaleidosim cloudCompanion for COMSOL Multiphysics®

Darren Sharman 1, Viktor Lienhard 2
1Kaleidosim, Zurich, Switzerland
2Zurich University of applied sciences, Zurich, Switzerland

To this day seamless accessibility of local or cloud hardware for high performance computing as well as time consuming workflows involving sequencing and orchestration of available hardware for multiple simulation runs, remain limiting factors within the field of Multiphysics simulation based engineering.

A novel technology to tackle these issues by enabling cloud computing directly out of the Graphical User Interface of COMSOL Multiphysics® is hereby introduced: The Kaleidosim cloudCompanion for COMSOL Multiphysics®. The cloudCompanion runs as an add-on app for COMSOL® software. It enables seamless access and orchestration of cloud computing resources directly out of well-established simulation workflows. A particular speciality of the novel solution is its Massive Simultaneous Cloud Computing capability – the ability to coordinate cluster sweep operations on hundreds of simultaneously running cloud-based machines, such that related workflows can be accelerated by factors 10 to 50.

Selected benchmark cases will be presented in order to demonstrate the quantitative effectiveness of cloudCompanion. Furthermore, objective user feedback, collected by the University partner, during an extensive usability study and beta testing stage, will be laid out.

All in all, a validated case can be made for the considerable potential of the novel cloud computing technology to further enhance productivity, output, data-density, as well as insight to be gained by applying COMSOL Multiphysics® for complex engineering tasks both in industry as well as in academia.

