MEMS Electrostatic Acoustic Pixel

A. Arevalo [1], D. Conchouso [1], D. Castro [1], I. G. Foulds [2],
[1] Computer, Electrical, & Mathematical Sciences & Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
[2] The University of British Columbia, School of Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The growth of the electronics industry demand better components for the electronic systems. Such components need to be improve to keep up with the evolution of the digital era. The loudspeaker design has not been changed for almost a century [1-5]. The acoustic transducer is the last analogue component needed for a true digital audio system. We want to validate the feasibility of using an electrostatic membrane to develop arrays of membranes to reconstruct the sound, using polyimide as the structural material.
