Modelling of the Static Eccentricity Type Fault in Induction Motor

Rakesh Deore 1, Bipul Brahma 2, Shahrukh 3, Prof. Karuna Kalita 3
1Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
2Indian Institute of Technology,Guwahati.
3Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati.

Induction motors have wide applications in industries, so they are prone to faults, which later result in vibrations and hence noise. So it is important to analyze the faults in induction motors, their causes, and their effect on the system. Basically, there are so many faults in electrical machines due to mechanical as well as electrical means. Specifically, mechanical faults like bent rotor and stator, assembly misalignment, bearing faults, etc., result in an uneven air gap between the rotor and stator, called the eccentricity type of fault. These eccentricities are categorized as static eccentricity, dynamic eccentricity, and mixed eccentricity. In this paper, a 2D model of 60 slots, 48 rotor bars, and a 4-pole induction motor is modeled in the COMSOL 6.0 software. The concentric configurations are modeled and compared with different types of static eccentricities in the airgap. The unbalanced forces, airgap flux density, torque, and stator coil flux due to the different static eccentricities for the same configurations are analyzed and compared in the time domain as well as in the frequency domain.
