Numerical Simulation of Thermal Resistance and Heat Transfer Coefficients of Textile Structures

Aušra Gadeikytė 1, Rimantas Barauskas 1
1Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Applied Informatics, Kaunas, Studentu Str. 50-407, LT-51368, Lithuania

This study focuses on the prediction of thermal comfort properties such as the heat transfer coefficient, and thermal resistance coefficient of textiles structures with additional ventilation. The input mass flow rate 0.2 dm3/min and 0.8 dm3/min were taken into account. It should be noted that the selection of boundary conditions is not straightforward. The air pressure and air flux density decrease by passing through numerous cells [1]. In this work, a brief methodology for selecting boundary conditions is presented. Also, the proposed techniques allow the prediction of average temperature through different positions of the z-axis. The numerical simulations were performed using the Laminar Flow (.spf) and Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids (.ht) interfaces within the COMSOL Multiphysics® software [2]. MATLAB® software was used for post-processing results. The proposed models can be used in the development of passive and active cooling systems in the early design stage.

