Optical-Thermal-Mechanical analysis for Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording(HAMR)

Yueqiang Hu(胡跃强) [1], Yonggang Meng (孟永钢) [1], Lichun Shi (史李春) [1],
[1] State Key Labrotary of Tribology, Tsinghua University

The demand of the data storage continues increasing with the development of the big data, cloud computing technologies. Heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology is the most promising technology for data storage to push the areal density up to 10 Tb/in2. In HAMR, the laser heating system is integrated into the slider to heat the magnetic medium to its curie temperature about ~700 K for the Iron-platinum (FePt) media. In this paper, we establish an optical-thermal-mechanical model for analyzing the flying characteristics of HAMR by studying the touchdown process. The air conduction model and phonon conduction model are applied in our simulation. The non-isothermal MGL equation is implemented to solve the flying attitudes.

