Parameter Extraction and Support-Loss in MEMS Resonators

Peter Steeneken
Project Leader
RF MEMS Research Group
NXP Semiconductors
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

In this paper it is shown how the equivalent circuit parameters of a MEMS resonator can be simply obtained from an eigenfrequency simulation. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the Q-factor as a result of support losses in a MEMS resonator can be determined using a matched boundary layer. The method is applied to calculate the frequency dependent admittance of a diamond disk resonator. Results agree well with measurements and analytic results. Comparison to a frequency response analysis establishes the validity of the method and shows that it results in a large reduction of the simulation time.

Keynote speaker's biography:

Peter Steeneken received his Ph.D. from the University of Gröningen, the Netherlands, where he studied magnetic and superconducting materials using optical and electron spectroscopy. In 2002, he joined Philips Research where he investigated Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS).

In 2006, Dr. Steeneken became the project leader of the RF MEMS Research project group at NXP Semiconductors, a company founded by Philips. His current interests include the design, simulation, reliability and characterization of RF MEMS switches.

