Reliability and Temperature Testing of PVDF-based Piezoelectric Energy harvesters.

Chandana Ravikumar 1, Vytautas Markevicius 1
1Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (Europe)

During usage, storage, and transportation, electronic products often become affected by a few unwanted adverse effects of the surrounding environment that compromise their working performance, reliability, and device life. There is evidence that environmental effects cause 52% of such electronic devices to fail. A vibrational piezoelectric energy harvesting system is presented in this study. The purpose of the harvester is to convert enough energy to power the deployed wireless sensors, which are becoming a huge tool in the Internet of Things market. Therefore, a study is conducted to investigate the effect of temperature [-20 ℃; 50 ℃] on the energy generation capacity of a piezoelectric energy harvester cantilever having a power density of 3.77

