Time Domain Construction of Acoustic Scattering by Elastic Targets Through Finite Element Analysis

A. Gunderson [1], B. Simon [1], A. Bonomo [1], M. Isakson [1],
[1] Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas - Austin, Austin, TX, USA

Finite element models for acoustic scattering from three dimensional underwater elastic objects, calculated in the frequency domain, are transformed to the time domain through Fourier synthesis using COMSOL Multiphysics®. The time domain mirrors the way in which experimental scattering data from real targets is acquired. Fluid elements are modeled using built-in physics in COMSOL’s acoustics module, while elastic target elements are modeled with user-defined weak-form PDE interfaces. The problem is evaluated using a 2D axisymmetric geometry in COMSOL, and is extended to three dimensions through an axial wavenumber decomposition technique. Results show good agreement with established analytical solutions in both frequency and time domains.
