COMSOL 用户年会 2020 论文和演示
在 2020 年 COMSOL 用户年会上,来自全球的科研人员和工程师展示了他们的多物理场仿真成果。欢迎浏览相关技术论文和演示文稿,了解您所在行业的研究人员当前如何利用数值建模优化产品设计、简化工作流程并改进产品性能。
ISBN: 978-1-7364524-0-0
The blast furnace shaft is a huge counter flow reactor in which heat and mass exchange play a significant ...扩展阅读
In silico models can be exploited to predict cellular dynamics, such as resource uptake, migration and ...扩展阅读
This work, which is done in the framework of the SisAl Pilot EU project, presents the use of the COMSOL ...扩展阅读
In metallurgy, the use of numerical models is popular because of the many coupled physical phenomena that ...扩展阅读
The thermal load on the system components is one of the technical problems in the development of microfocus X ...扩展阅读
Pumped two-phase cooling for improving thermal management of IGBT in rail transportation has been ...扩展阅读
The growing adoption of electric vehicles has led to increased exposure of cars to stray magnetic fields. To ...扩展阅读
Transforming the energy sector worldwide towards renewable, climate-neutral energy sources requires ...扩展阅读
In order to reduce the environmental footprint of a serial production of head lamps, one lever is to replace ...扩展阅读
Historically, indoor air quality (IAQ) has received less attention than outdoors, although people spend >90% ...扩展阅读