各个行业的工程师和科研人员都在使用多物理场仿真来研发创新的产品设计和流程。他们在 COMSOL 用户年会上展示了丰富的技术论文和演示文稿,您可以从他们的研究成果中寻找灵感。
查看COMSOL 用户年会 2024论文
Microwave sensing and monitoring is very attractive for biological applications because of their sensitivity ...扩展阅读
COMSOL Multiphysics® has been used to predict the magnetic fields, eddy current, lorenz forces and stresses ...扩展阅读
Seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers is usually modeled by using transport models that include account ...扩展阅读
Metal reed valves are used for flow rectification in electrohydraulic pumps driven by smart materials at high ...扩展阅读
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are becoming more prevalent in today’s space technologies. The Visible ...扩展阅读
A 2D transient heat conduction model was created in COMSOL Multiphysics® software to study the performance of ...扩展阅读
Flexography is a roll-based mass printing process used in manufacture of printed products such as sensors, ...扩展阅读
Pyrolysis is a key step in the conversion of carbonaceous materials into useful products. In this study, we ...扩展阅读
Significant submarine mineral deposits form when hot, metal-laden, saline fluids emerge onto the seafloor and ...扩展阅读
2D steady state heat conduction-electric current model was created in COMSOL Multiphysics® software to study ...扩展阅读